Circle M City, a Wild West entertainment destination, is your location for weddings, birthday parties, field trips, corporate events, reunions, movie making, trick roping, horseback riding & more!
The town features a chapel, bank, saloon, livery stable, printing press, blacksmith, museum, jail, costume room, opera house, and horses. Come to our music jams on Monday nights at 6pm. Listen to a speaker at gospel hour on Thursdays at 7pm. Sit a spell and watch a cowboy trick-rope and spin his guns. Tour the museum. Meet Crazy Kate. Ride a horse. Go on a hayride. HAVE SOME FUN!
Plan your trip to Circle M City: Weddings | Parties | Field Trips
We look forward to meeting and entertaining you! Call us at 919-499-8493 or email [email protected] for more in-depth information about our services and facilities and to schedule a tour or event.

Meet Sheriff Tim Marsh

Tim Marsh is a fourth-generation cowboy with experience in breaking and training horses, trail riding, racing, showing, jousting, trick riding, mounted shooting and roping. Tim was led by Divine Inspiration to create the live drama and film “Cowboy Trail” using his horses and his talents. At the age of 8, Tim broke his first pony, Dolly.
Tim’s dad, Dwight, has been riding, doctoring, trading, training, breeding and boarding horses since 1963. Tim credits much of his horse knowledge to his father. Tim and Dwight have operated Marsh Stables since 1969.
Meet Michelle Marsh (Crazy Kate)
Michelle, a third-generation cowgirl, is from the NC mountains and grew up attending wild west festivals and wagon trains. She welcomes Circle M City guests in addition to taking on the role Crazy Kate alongside Sheriff Tim. Carrying a stuffed beaver and opossum, Michelle lends her beautiful voice to many a folk song, including “Five Pounds of Possum,” singing:
“There’s five pounds of possum in my headlights tonight. If I can just run him over, every thing will be all right. We’ll have some possum gravy, oh what a beautiful sight; There’s five pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.”

Circle M Ministries
Currently, we have a non-denominational Cowboy Gospel Hour service every Thursday night at 7 p.m. with live, a different weekly speaker and a covered dish meal afterward. Please join us!
Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through Christian entertainment. Founded in 1995 by Tim Marsh, Circle M Ministry is a nonprofit corporation that sponsors events for the promotion of the gospel.
In its first year, approximately 3,000 bibles were passed out at various functions such as horse shows and rodeos. The ministry also raised funds for Horsepower, a nonprofit corporation that provides therapeutic horseback riding for handicapped children.
By divine inspiration, Tim produced the live drama “Cowboy Trail” using his horses and actors to create a 30-minute show depicting the conversion experience of a wayward cowboy. Tim traveled with the performance to barns, churches, housing projects, rodeos and high schools all over North Carolina. From this live drama came the inspiration for the feature-length movie “Cowboy Trail.” Watch a clip from the trailer.